Instead, you make each row aesthetically consistent. The advantage (or disadvantage) is that you don’t have to follow a specific color scheme throughout your feed. You can follow a consistent theme or aesthetic like Soko Glam: But using this layout doesn’t mean you can upload photos at random.

You only need to upload one photo at a time, and you don’t have to focus on your post’s overall impact on your feed.To state the obvious, the advantage here is its ease of use. The squares layout is one of the most common Instagram layout ideas. In this section, we’ll tackle the pros and cons of each layout, and find out the layouts that may work better for different brands or industries. Now that you’ve gotten some inspiration and understand the importance of color, let’s discuss the different types of layouts in-depth. You can look at them at a later time and visualize the ideal layout that would work best for your business.Back to Content Menu Instagram Layout Idea #4: Understanding Different Types of Grid Layouts They don’t all have to use a specific design and layout. We all need to get inspiration from somewhere, so why not browse the Instagram of others for a little help with your feed’s vision.You can start by looking at competitors or influencers in your niche.A few questions you can begin by asking include: Does their feed use a specific grid layout? If yes, then how does this impact the experience of their followers? Does it make the brand seem more appealing?You can also explore Pinterest for inspiration or browse Sked’s blog for a few top examples.Next, follow the accounts that inspire you. Back to Content Menu Instagram Layout Idea #3: Find Inspirational Feeds That’s how you create a grid that's easy on the eyes. Once you find your ideal color scheme, stick to it. For example, Airbnb’s feed is inspired by travel theme, but doesn’t stick to a specific grid layout: Some brands stick to a theme, but don’t require a specific layout. When deciding on an Instagram layout idea and design layout, consider your audience.Play around with borders, layouts and colors and look at your engagement rates. Instagram Layout Idea #1: Understand Your Audience Explore Different Types of Instagram Layouts Ideas.

Choose A Color Palette For Your Instagram Grid.But how do you go about designing an attractive Instagram feed? What are the best feeds for specific brands or influencers? And how do you design your Instagram grid?In this post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about choosing an Instagram grid design and layout that potential followers simply won’t be able to resist. And if it looks a little shabby, they can easily forget it- forever!In a previous post, we discussed the different Instagram layouts ideas. You need to know about Instagram layout ideas because an impressive Instagram grid layout and design is the ultimate first impression.After all, if followers are amazed by your feed, they’ll quickly tap your follow button.